Welcome to the Members Area of ILCA Ireland

This area has been designed for you to allow smooth entry into upcoming events, give you the opportunity to post items to Buy & Sell and to pay your annual membership. You must be a current member of ILCA Ireland to enter Regional/National events.

1. New Members

New members are welcome to join the association by clicking the Sigup link at the top of this page. Membership is payable via our online portal and payable by PAYPAL or with a Credit/Debit Card.

2. Renewing Membership

You will only have to enter your information once and verify it before entering each event (ensuring you update if changing rigs etc). You can also post, edit and delete your “Buy and Sell” advertisements.

3. Family Membership

We can offer a €10 discount for every additional member in the same family. This refund will be refunded retrospectively via pay pal. Please fill in the request form here.

4. 18-30 Event Entry

Members aged between 18 and 30 (born after 31/12/1994 and before 1/1/2007) are eligible for free entry in 2025. Please register for the event here as normal. When you go to complete the purchase, no fee will be charged for the event. You must already have paid your annual membership subscription.

5. Participating in International Events

Sailors intending to travel outside Ireland should ensure that they take their current Membership card with them. Member cards are available online in your membership account and can be printed off remotely.

6. Members of Overseas ILCA Associations

Current membership of any National ILCA Association in the International Laser Class Association federation entitles members to enter ILCA Ireland events. To avail of on-line entry, register on this website and proceed to My Profile > Edit where you can declare your country of membership and proceed to event entry. Please bring proof of membership of your country ILCA Association membership with you to the event entered as you will be asked for this at registration.